The first radio experience dates back to 2005 with the broadcast "Andiamo a Teatro" which airs on Radio Omega Sound for ten episodes. Marco Nica, the program's author, hosts characters from Anzio and Nettuno who locally give life to interesting cultural initiatives. Culture, cultivated by people from the area with great passion and dedication, is thus promoted and exalted through the radio channel, giving the right depth to the numerous amateur realities that have nothing to envy to the professionals in the sector. The behind-the-scenes life is told, the secrets of the entertainment world are revealed, and interest in artistic disciplines is created for the radio listener.

In the following two years, the satirical show "3 amici al bar" airs on Radio Enea. The format, created and hosted by Marco Nica, Fabio Pontecorvo, and Andrea Serpa, tells everyday life through the interpretation of more or less eccentric characters who, with sharp irony, comment on everything that happens. These are not imitations but real interpretations that provide moments of pure comedy, lightening events while still offering points for reflection.